Sunday, June 11, 2006

growing up

So, over memorial day weekend I was with my brother, let's call him O', and GG , and we got to talking about being grown-ups. The general discussion was "do you feel like a grown-up?" "Not very often, but sometimes when... (various answers), I feel like it" "yeah, I don't feel grown up very often" and it continued on for a good 10 or 15 minutes. I thought it a fun and facinating topic. Do I feel like a grown up? How silly! It seems so child-like to think about it and all its amazing possibilities... what makes me feel like a kid? When do I feel 'grown-up'?

But the wierd thing is, just about 4 days later, I was with my friend Eva, and she brought up the same topic! Could it be fate? Could God be asking me to evaluate my emotional age? :) Or could it be something more simple... like coincidence? So, we did do some fun adult things together like an art walk, and going to a bar... how grown-up of us!

There are so many things I do daily that make me feel young and child-like. Things I never grew out of I guess... but then there are other things that I just stopped doing, and thats o.k.
too. It just got me thinking... maybe I'll make a list or post about my adventures in this topic....

To start out...

today, I got back in touch with my 4 year old self and tried to fly... :) I jumped off a rock, arms out.... just in case it worked this time.


Girl in the Globe said...

I think there's a lot to be said for being child-like, and I think it's very different from being child-ish. I'm trying more and more to learn to play and have fun. I think it's a part of us that God designed, and it's a drag that at some point the world tells us to shut that part of ourselves off because that's not ok...
In my quest to learn to have fun, you and Daru have been great! There aren't many people who would help me pick out faces for Mr Potatohead at Disneyland...and then go to a restaurant and try out all the faces!!! You're a great example of a balance between knowing when to be child-like, and knowing when it's time to be mature...I love the deep conversations we have.
You so rock!
I love you!!!!!!!

bj said...

Thanks GG!!!

I so love playing with you! :)

I know you're really trying to learn to play more and have fun... we'd love to continue to be a part of that! hehehe (as long as rollercoasters, planejumping, etc... aren't involved!)

I know the world does say to shut that child-like part of ourselves off... but somehow I think I might have been absent that day. Or maybe I have selective hearing. Still, its so fun to think about incorporating playfullness into the everyday.

love you too!