Friday, June 16, 2006

sweet lovin'

We just got back from the grunion run!!! SO fun! First time Daru has seen grunions... doing their "thing". Got down to the water at about 1am and stayed for about 45 min... Cleaned up the beach a bit, wondered by a few sleeping stragglers and fire pits, and then, just as we were headed back from the attempt to see the grunions, there they were! Shiny flopping fish propagating the species! So exciting!!! I don't know why seeing beached fish is so enthralling, but enjoying it together-what a blast. Nice moon out, full set of stars, no one there but us (and few sleepers), about 65 degrees, the dark moonlit waves crashing- trying to grab our toes, and the grunions.

Ode to the Grunion
Shiny fish how

you flip and


Swim on dear


never stop

Well, that's about as good as it gets at 2am, sorry folks...


Girl in the Globe said...

Oh if only they had sweet sweet mullets to go with their sweet lovin'!!!

Anonymous said...


Good word :^)