Thursday, June 11, 2009


So, on a whim I decided to record myself playing/singing my singable songs from the past decade. About 6 I think. Anyway, I figured out how to license the works and am now attempting to webhost them so I can upload to my blog.

The guitar is over-loud, as my keen set-up included my old camera audio record feature with no way to sing closer to the mic than play. So, it can be a bit hard to hear the words, so I'll type them out too. Also, I only did one-takes by and large, so: many a blurp. And uh, the strumming on some of these seems a bit repetitive what with the guitar being more of the foreground than the vocals. (stellar strumming not withstanding... :P)

Oh, what I would do for a PowerBook and garage band- and some super-skills? :)

Anyone wanting to help collaborate on these with added vocals/instruments and actual garageband, or recording, and your super-skills please let me know and we can play!

I need to write a few folk songs. I've been throwing around the idea... hmmm. I do have a kazoo already.