Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mixed Feelings

While leaving the house today for a walk,Daru turns to me and says "When I filled out Republican on that form, I felt sleazy". "That's funny you mention it," I say, "I wasn't going to say anything, but when filling out Democrat, I felt betrayal". Daru and I are registered non-partisan. We decided to fill out these forms which give non-partisan voters the option of selecting Republican, Democrat, or Independent for the June 3rd Primaries. We split the difference so we can look at both sides and vote that way. Anyway, interesting reactions we had... Sad that there isn't one easy answer and one party to proudly stand by. It's hard to say which side to side with... it seems an issue by issue stance is the only way to go. So, here we are - sleazy, betrayal, and all.

Friday, March 14, 2008

baby thoughts & a call to love

From my online journal ramblings, thought I would share:

"March 14, 2008

I just love our little person. She is so cute and sweet. I love her little personality and the joy that is so evident even when she is discontent or feeling lousey. Today I pointed out the flowers on all the bushes we passed and just loved looking at them. Early this morning we got up and watched cars pass on the street. And today when we put her in her stroller to walk up to look at the nursery for more flower gazing, she just kept chuckling in delight as we walked up there- I guess she was enjoying the ride and the view, despite her sadness over her cold re-lapse.... She is so amazing and such a joy to watch grow and learn... lately you can just see her wheels turning and the connections she's making with her world. Hiding things under a burp rag and uncovering it is a fun game- she always knows its there and enjoys waiting or helping uncovering the toy. Last weekend we were out celebrating (Shmamy's) birthday and she grabbed my cup of water, like usual, she also grabbed my straw- this time I let her play w/ it and she put it in her mouth and blew bubbles in my water! So funny, I didn't even know she could do that and figured she'd just gnaw on it as a teether. Then, I could feel water going up it & she drank some water - much to our surprise, and hers too! She blew more bubble and drank some more before the night was out... so silly! Often, I take a toy and having it bounce around and eventually have it land on my head, then I wait until she looks at it, and then I say "elephant on my head!... oh no!" or "hedgehog on my head!.... oh no!" or whatever it is, this past week she started looking at the toy, and then quickly looking down at my face waiting for me to me to say "elephant on my head... oh no!" in mock-surprise, so that she could smile at the joke... sometimes smiling even before I got to the punch-line... it's so cute to see her joking with me! :) Her frequent smiles are priceless, her face lights up when she catches sight of us, what an amazing gift- to be loved so much by our little Pumpkin!"

Anyway, it's such a joy having her in our lives, and so fun marveling at these little growth spurts. Everyday things are so fun to look at and relive through the eyes of a baby! It also makes me think so much about the purpose of our lives and what it's all about. I think sometimes we so lose sight of the simple truth to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, and get wrapped up in the details of what we feel called to. Sometimes coming back to a baby's perspective, responding so readily to love, and embracing so easily comfort, marveling at creation, and delighting in other's delight is just the way to go. Now, to tap into God's love and really embrace it, enjoy it, take the time to be still and receive, to hear His heart for others and be brave enough to extend His love... this is where it gets a little more tricky... this is more the discipline side of things, but what a joy when we do. (at least, I think it is - when I get more disciplined, I'll let you know! haha Actually, this is the process we're all on, right? To learn to walk by His side and listen to His heartbeat and whisper as we go along. Hopefully the Voice becomes clearer, the knowing more intimate, and our response more readily given the longer we know Him)