Friday, July 23, 2010

Nod, nod, wink, wink.

Sunflower winking

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday preparation! Doll House!

Amy and I headed over with the munchkins to a nearby town and I found this sweet find @ the used baby store. It's a Melissa and Doug house, in natural color, but it had color crayon on the roof/side, so I bought it to fix up for Rosie's birthday. :) Here's the fun and tedious process...

doll house & bird house makeover, phase 1

phase 2: purple paint

back of house: tree with bird

details: roof tiles, side sunflowers, & rose trellis

The front! I left the inside plain white for now.
Tmrw we will spray it with a plastic clear spray paint.

I forgot a final shot of the bird house, but it's basically pink and purple messiness. :)

I hid it in the garage and made her wait for her b-day, and she loves it for her Gabba's and little People to play in. :)