Friday, July 24, 2009

The Finished Beanbag toss, from Summer

Here's a beanbag toss painted on particle board that we just made. My husband cut out the circles for me, and then I painted on a scene, which was only really half done, but then we had it for my daughter's birthday to play with. I think at some point I'll repaint the face on the butterfly that looks a bit like an alien shaped head to me, and prob. change his expression.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Chilly Today, Hot Tamale

A while back I had an interesting dream where I was waiting for some pizza to rise, and then was actually in the oven when while it was rising at about 400 degrees I think. It's a long and interesting dream. Anyway, since I had the dream months ago, I've been thinking about it and it's meaning. As I lay down putting my daughter to bed and her sweaty brow stuck to my arm and the room was still at about 80 degrees after another 105 day outside, I began to wonder if being in that pizza oven with her in my dream was about this crazy hot weather.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Beans, beans.

my first beanbag! so fun.