Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mixed Feelings

While leaving the house today for a walk,Daru turns to me and says "When I filled out Republican on that form, I felt sleazy". "That's funny you mention it," I say, "I wasn't going to say anything, but when filling out Democrat, I felt betrayal". Daru and I are registered non-partisan. We decided to fill out these forms which give non-partisan voters the option of selecting Republican, Democrat, or Independent for the June 3rd Primaries. We split the difference so we can look at both sides and vote that way. Anyway, interesting reactions we had... Sad that there isn't one easy answer and one party to proudly stand by. It's hard to say which side to side with... it seems an issue by issue stance is the only way to go. So, here we are - sleazy, betrayal, and all.

1 comment:

eva said...

We're registered non-partisan, too. I love how you took a picture of the envelopes so you could post it in your blog. That's so something I would do, too!