Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Hmm... do you keep a housekeeping schedule? Or any other type? Just wondering. I'm not really into it yet.

My schedule goes something like this: when people are coming, clean up alot. Occasionally clean the floor and wipe stuff down that looks gross & that Pumpkin might want to lick. Vacuum every once in a while, more often would be a lot better. Clean the bathroom often & keep it nice. Do the laundry when the basket is full, or overflowing. Try to put the laundry away after doing it- if not, at least throw it in the closet (in nice piles of course). Throw old fridge food away every time we shop (we have no choice since our fridge is for midgets- no offense to midgets, but it's true). Keep the kitchen as clean as possible given the space. Clean off the kitchen counters/stove/areas every few days because we put crap on it & it bugs us & we need the space. Every night we put toys away.

That's about it I guess- at least what I could think of quickly- I know there's much more. I just read a friend of mine's schedule of cleaning... woah. That's kinda ambitious. At times I put things on a list, but I tend to only get through a few of the things that I mean to do. Well, it's something to think about. It could help. I think I would prefer to bunch more things together every few days than an every day schedule. What do you do?


Girl in the Globe said...

Oh my. Vacuum every single day. I try not to do the weekends, but usually do them anyway. Run the dishwasher every other day. Wipe off the counters in the kitchen every day after dinner...and the stove too. Do the laundry every single day except on the weekends...unless there's poop. I always wash that immediately.

shaelee said...


I follow the "madness schedule" When ever I have a spare moment I clean like a mad person- there are always messes! The kitchen (do dishes, scrub down surfaces, sweep) is every day or every other. I vacuum and get the whole house looking "nice" Friday mornings, at least, and when ever I have a mad moment in the week. laundry as needed when the baskets get full. I can't wait until I have to work less and have time to really get things organized and maybe then art! And then there is the nightly fun of getting Basil to help me put all his toys and craziness away from the day.