Thursday, September 11, 2008


So, I changed my template. The black was getting a bit drab. I really want to blog more. I feel like I have all these things to share or say. But usually I'm laying down to sleep or out and about, or taking care of my little walking baby (toddler? gulp. just not quite there yet!). So, I sadly seldom write the things I want to express. Just thought I'd share that. Probably most everyone feels that way. Anyway, so... I updated my blog to a brand new color! So exciting- but, on the other hand it's kinda drab too, in a lack-of-colorful style way... maybe I'll change it again sometime, now that I know how. I have been feeling a bit brighter lately. Like, I recently decided I like orange. "'Orange!??!!?!' you say. 'Isn't orange a sworn enemy of yours?'" Well yes, it was. But I'm in a orangey bright mood lately, so... here's to orange, and blog changes, and writing, and illustrating (something else I'm doing!), and finally getting a tad more sleep, and here's also to hope, to futures, and to now.

1 comment:

eva said...

That's so funny - I just changed my template, too! You should scan/photograph and post one of your illustrations some time! I am excited to see more!